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The latest AMS standard for titanium and titanium alloys

The latest AMS standard for titanium and titanium alloys:

AMS standards are known as “global standards” in the field of aerospace materials and are applicable to the design and production of aircraft parts, systems worldwide, as well as government procurement. They are also important material standards for reference in the development, production, and use of aerospace materials in China. HTL has sorted and summarized the existing AMS standards related to titanium and titanium alloy materials, quality control, and processes that have been reviewed and confirmed or revised between January 2019 and September 2020, so that you can update and consult them in a timely manner during daily work.

AS1814F-2020 Terminology for Titanium Microstructures

This list of terms, with accompanying photomicrographs where appropriate, is intended as aguide for use in the preparation of material specifications.

2.AMS2249J-2019 Chemical Check Analysis Limits Titanium and Titanium Alloys

This specification defines limits of variation for determining acceptability of thecomposition of cast or wrought titanium and titanium alloy parts and material acquired from a producer.

3.AMS4982G-2020  Titanium Alloy Wire 44.5 Cb

The specification covers a titanium alloy in the form of wire.

4.AMS4902L-2020 Titanium Sheet, Strip, and Plate Commercially Pure Annealed 40.0 ksi(276 MPa) Yield Strength

This specification covers one grade of commercially-pure titanium in the form ofsheet, strip, and plate up through 1.000 inch (25.40 mm), inclusive.

5.AMS4911R-2019  Titanium Alloy, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 6Al -4V Annealed

This specification covers a titanium alloy in the form of sheet, strip, and plate upthrough 4.000 inches (101.60 mm) inclusive in thickness.

6.AMS4943L-2020 Titanium Alloy, Hydraulic, Seamless Tubing 3.0Al-2.5V Annealed

This specification covers a titanium alloy in the form of seamless tubing.

7.AMS4944M-2020 Titanium Alloy Tubing, Seamless, Hydraulic 3.0Al-2.5V Cold Worked, Stress Relieved

This specification covers a titanium alloy in the form of seamless tubing.

8.AMS4946F-2020  Titanium Alloy Tubing, Seamless, Hydraulic 3Al-2.5V, Texture Controlled Cold Worked, Stress Relieved

This specification covers a titanium alloy in the form of seamless tubing.

9.AMS4952G-2020 Titanium Alloy, Welding Wire 6AI-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo

This specification covers a titanium alloy in the form of welding wire.

10. AMS4953H-2019  Titanium Alloy Welding Wire 5Al-2.5Sn

This specification covers a titanium alloy in the form of welding wire.

11. AMS4955J-2020  Titanium Alloy, Welding Wire 8Al-1Mo-1V

Thiss pecification covers a titanium alloy in the form of welding wire.

12. AMS4956H-2020  Titanium Alloy Welding Wire 6Al-4V, Extra Low Interstitial Environment Controlled Packaging

This specification covers a titanium alloy in the form of wire for welding fillermetal.

13. AMS4970L-2020  Titanium Alloy Bars, Wire, and Forgings 7Al-4Mo Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated

This specification covers a titanium alloy in the form of bars, wire, forgings up to4.000 inches (101.60 mm), inclusive, and forging stock.

14.ARP982D-2020 Minimizing Stress-Corrosion Cracking in Wrought Titanium Alloy Products

Primarily toprovide recommendations concerning minimizing stress-corrosion cracking inwrought titanium alloy products.

15.AMS4901U-2019 Titanium Sheet, Strip, and Plate Commercially Pure Annealed, 70.0 ksi (485 MPa)

This specification covers one grade of commercially-pure titanium in the form ofsheet, strip, and plate up through 1.000 inch (25.40 mm), inclusive.

16.AMS6949A-2019  Titanium Alloy, Sheet and Strip 4Al-2.5V-1.5Fe Electron Beam Single Melted. Annealed

This specification covers a titanium alloy in the form of sheet and strip up to0.143 inches (3.63 mm), inclusive, in nominal thickness.

17. AMS4907M-2020 Titanium Alloy, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 6.0Al-4.0V, Extra Low Interstitial Annealed

This specification covers a titanium alloy in the form of sheet, strip, and plate onproduct 0.008 to 3.000 inches (0.20 to 76.20 mm), inclusive in thickness.

18.AMS4920G-2019 Titanium Alloy, Forgings 6AI-4V Alpha-Betaor Beta Processed, Annealed

This specification covers a titanium alloy in the form of forgings, 6.000 inches(152.40 mm) and under in cross-sectional thickness and forging stock of anysize.

19. AMS4921P-2020 Titanium Bars, Wire, Forgings, and Rings Commercially Pure 70 ksi (483 MPa) Yield Strength

This specification covers one grade of commercially-pure titanium in the form ofbars, wire, forgings, flash welded rings, up to 4.000 inches (101.60 mm),inclusive, in nominal diameter or least distance between parallel sides, andstock for forging or flash welded rings.

20. AMS4900R-2019 Titanium Sheet, Strip, and Plate Commercially Pure Annealed, 55 ksi (379 MPa) Yield Strength

This specification covers one grade of commercially-pure titanium in the form ofsheet, strip, and plate 1.000 inch (25.40 mm) and under in nominal thickness.

21.   AMS4924J-2020 Titanium Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Rings 5Al- 2.5Sn, Extra Low Interstitial Annealed

This specification covers a titanium alloy in the form of bars, wire, forgings,flash welded rings 4.000 inches (101.60 mm) and under in nominal diameter orleast distance between parallel sides, and stock for forging and flash weldedrings of any size.

22. AMS4934H-2019 Titanium Alloy, Extrusions and Flash Welded Rings 6Al-4V Solution Heat Treated and Aged

This specification covers a titanium alloy in the form of extruded bars, and shapes,flash welded rings up through 3.000 inches (76.20 mm) inclusive, in nominal diameteror least distance between parallel sides, and stock for flash welded rings ofany size.

23. AMS4972J-2019 Titanium Alloy Bars, Wire, and Rings 8Al-1Mo-1V Solution Heat Treated and Stabilized

This specification covers a titanium alloy in the form of bars, wire, flash weldedrings up through 4.000 inches (101.60 mm), inclusive in diameter or leastdistance between parallel sides, and stock for flash welded rings or heading ofany size.

24. AMS6948B-2019 Titanium Alloy Bars, Wire, Forgings, Rings, and Drawn Shapes 4Al-2.5V-1.5 Fe Annealed

This specification covers a titanium alloy in the form of bars, wire, forgings,flash welded rings, drawn shapes 5.000 inches (127.00 mm) and under, and stockfor forging or flash welded rings of any size.

25. AMS4930K-2019 Titanium Alloy Bars, Wire, Forgings, and Rings 6Al-4V, Extra Low Interstitial Annealed

This specification covers a titanium alloy in the form of bars, wire, forgings,flash welded rings 4.000 inches (101.60 mm) and under in nominal diameter ordistance between parallel sides, and stock for forging or flash welded rings ofany size.

26. AMS4964C-2019 Titanium Alloy Bars, Wire, Forgings, and Rings 4.5Al-3V-2Fe-2Mo Annealed

This specification covers a titanium alloy in the form of bars, wire, forgings,flash welded rings, and stock for forging or flash welded ring up through 6.000inches (152.40 mm) in nominal diameter or distance between parallel sides.

27. AMS4963E-2020 Titanium Alloy, Bars, Wire, Forgings, and Rings 6.0Al-4.0V Annealed, Heat Treatable, Modified Strength

This specification covers a titanium alloy in the form of bars, wire, forgings, andflash welded rings up through 3.999 inches (101.57 mm), inclusive, and stockfor forging, flash welded rings, or heading.

28. AMS6915C-2020 Titanium Alloy Bars, Forgings and Forging Stock 7.0Al-4.0Mo Annealed

This specification covers a titanium alloy in the form of bars up through 6.000inches (152.40 mm) inclusive, in nominal diameter or least distance betweenparallel sides, forgings of thickness up through 6.000 inches (152.40 mm),inclusive and stock for forging of any size.

29. AMS6901C-2019 Titanium Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock 5Al-2.5Sn, Extra Low Interstitial Annealed

This specification covers a titanium alloy in the form of bars up through 4.000inches (101.60 mm) inclusive, in nominal diameter or least distance betweenparallel sides, forgings of thickness up through 4.000 inches (101.60 mm),inclusive, and stock for forging of any size.

30. AMS6900C-2019 Titanium Alloy Bars, Forgings and Forging Stock 5Al-2.5Sn Annealed

This specification covers a titanium alloy in the form of bars up through 4.000inches (101.60 mm) inclusive, in nominal diameter or least distance betweenparallel sides, forgings of thickness up through 4.000 inches (101.60 mm),inclusive, and stock for forging of any size.

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